How much is A22 at Telkom?
Telkom contract prices for Samsung Galaxy A22
The phone has a prepaid price of R3 999.
How do I know if I qualify for Telkom contract?
Preliminary credit-vet – A quick preliminary credit vet will be done, on your ID number to determine if you are provisionally approved for your Telkom deal. Once your application is submitted to Telkom’s back office, Telkom will run a manual credit vet to ensure application affordability.
When can I upgrade Telkom?
3 consecutive months
The Migration Process explained:
Your Telkom LTE contract can only be upgraded or downgraded after 3 consecutive months of your LTE being active and having had successful billing.
How long does Telkom take to approve a contract online?
It takes up to 72 hours after you have sent all documentation required when applying for a contract.” / X.
samsung s22 telkom

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