
Contract Deals

Mobile Network Operator


Does rentoza do a credit check?

Rentoza’s Non-Credit Verifications

We don’t just look at your credit history – our financial behaviour model means that you can still get a subscription, even if your credit isn’t great.

How long does rentoza take to approve?

Solution: Today Rentoza uses Stitch to instantly access transaction insights and balance details directly from a potential customer’s bank account, allowing them to approve customers in less than 5 minutes.

Do you buy or rent on Rentoza?

Why do I have to return the item? In this house you do not pay rent; you SUBSCRIBE for month-to-month access with flexible terms and the freedom to test-drive different tech.

Do you pay monthly on Rentoza?

You pay for month-to-month Access to great Tech with the flexibility of swapping through items by utilizing our Upgrade option.



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